Sugar Beet Artificial Seeds an Overview
Artificial seed propagation of crops broadens the horizon of plant biotechnology and farming. The technology offers techniques for micropropagulated seed analogs such as axillary leaves, embryogenic calli, somatic embryos, apical shoot tips, and protocorm-like organs. Micropropagules are embedded in gelling medium and carboxyl methyl cellulose active coatings. A variety of plant species, such as mulberry, sandalwood, cardamom, banana, sugar beet, maize, and relative, have recorded encapsulation of micro shoots and somatic embryos and subsequent recovery of full plantlets. This knowledge has shown that artificial seed manufacturing is possibly helpful for the propagation of economically significant species ' inferior hybrids on a big scale. Artificial seed development can only succeed with effective upstream manufacturing of micropropagules and downstream germination procedures for an elevated proportion of plant regeneration as one of the significant value-added plant tissue culture goods. Different micropropagules were regarded for the manufacturing of artificial seeds; however, mostly favored were somatic embryos and axillary stem buds. As micropropagules, somatic embryos were used to create artificial seeds in a wide range of fruit and plant organisms, which include Daucus carota, Picea abies, Arachis hypogaea, Medicago sativa, Psidium guajava, and Vitis vinifera. The review illustrated the concept of synthetic seeds and encapsulation procedure of sugar beet
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