Synthesis of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in overstressed nanosecond discharge plasma with the ectonic sputtering mechanism of aluminum electrodes
The results of studying the conditions of synthesis and luminescence of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in a plasma of an overstressed nanosecond discharge ignited between aluminum electrodes at an interelectrode distance of 2 mm and air pressure in the range of 50-202 kPa are presented. It was shown that the plasma of the investigated discharge is characterized by a wide luminescence band in the spectral range of 300–430 nm, which is associated with the formation of F and F + centers. The research results can be used in micro-nanotechnology, biomedical engineering to obtain nanostructured alumina substrates, on which other nanodevices and films from biomaterials can be placed. The aim of the work was to establish the possibility of detecting small nanoparticles - aluminum oxide nuclei by emission spectroscopy methods and the synthesis of nanostructured alumina films under atmospheric conditions (without the use of vacuum technology) over a large area.
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