Effect of weather parameters on growth stages of winter maize explain the grain yield
A study was conducted on research farm of National Maize Research Program (NMRP), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during winter season of 2015/16 laid out in split-split plot design with three replications consisting of two FYM levels (FYM at 10 t ha-1 and no FYM application), three nitrogen levels (100, 75 and 50% N of recommended dose P and K remaining constant) and two levels of seed inoculation (Azotobacter chrococcum seed inoculation and no inoculation) with Rampur-2 maize hybrid in Nepal. One of the major factor affecting maize production is weather and this paper is prepared to assess the suitability of weather condition at different growth stages of winter season hybrid maize in condition of western Chitwan, Nepal at NMRP. The result shows that the requirement of the maize crop during different growth stages i.e. temperature, rainfall, relative humidity were fulfilled which helped to obtain remarkably higher grain yield (4.26 t ha-1) in the experiment compared to average national grain yield (2.84 t ha-1) of maize
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36462/H.BioSci.20226
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