Biochemical approach to assess groundwater pollution by heavy metals pollutants and organics (case Reghaia Lake, Algeria)
The article deals with the determination of the factors responsible for the degradation of the Reghaia nature reserve. The objective of this research was to evaluate the spatial variation of chemical pollutants including the accumulation of some heavy metals (Iron, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Cadmium, Silver, Nickel and Lead) in the water of Lake Reghaia, Algiers. The study was carried out on 64 water samples taken from Reghaia Lake. For physico-chemical parameters and for MTEs that have been assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. On the chemical level, high levels of nitrates have been recorded in water between 4mg / l, 30mg / l and concerning the phosphate, it has a high content (5.7 mg / l). Surface waters have high levels of suspended solids. BOD5 and COD are high, with COD/DBO5 ratios well above 3, dissolved oxygen values do not comply with WHO standards with P = 0.000001. Water degradation is caused by the presence of latrines, piles of garbage, farms, draining of sanitation facilities in nature and especially in watercourses. Heavy metal pollution is significant and has been reported for Plomp (Pb), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and cobalt (Co), which reached the high risk level (p <0.01) especially upstream of the Reghaia Lake. And that the MTE contents vary irregularly from one station to another and from one depth to another. The results reveal that the waters of the Réghaia Lake are of very poor quality and the degradation of the ecosystem is more and more increased, to this effect a treatment is recommended.
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